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The Fender Stratocaster, often referred to as the Strat, is a model of electric guitar designed by Leo Fender, George Fullerton, and Freddie Tavares in 1954, and manufactured continuously by the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation to the present It is a doublecutaway guitar, with an extended top horn for balance while standing The Stratocaster has been used by many leading. Enjoy our curated selection of 636 Guitar Wallpapers and Backgrounds 636 Wallpapers 224 Mobile Walls 43 Art 271 Images 210 Avatars 65 Gifs 12 Discussions 4K Ultra HD Guitar Wallpapers Sorting Options (currently Highest Rated) Finding Wallpapers View All Subcategories 1680x1050 Music Guitar AlphaSystem 638 317,153 30 0. 冒険者2500万突破の究極のMMORPG「ファイナルファンタジーXIV(FF14)」公式サイト。全ての冒険者よ、集え 仲間たちの待つエオルゼアの地へ。(PS4, Windows PC, Mac対応オンラインゲーム).
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