Blue hibiscus flowers are related to mallows Their flowers can be rose, violet, purple or white Info about blue hibiscus growing in gardens indicates there are no ‘true’ blue flowers Botanically, this plant is called Alyogyne huegelii Another Latin name for blue hibiscus flowers is Hibiscus syriacus, varieties ‘Blue Bird’ and. A prolific producer of royal purple blooms with deeply dissected evergreen leaves Roots are far less susceptible to summer stress rot than other selections Ideal for borders, entryways or hedges in warmer climates;. This plant has a terrible name but a very beautiful flower Native hibiscus, or Alyogyne huegelii, is a native of South and West Australia where it grows as a 12 metre hardy evergreen shrub It has a geraniumlike leaf and a single lilac hibiscuslike flower that keeps on.
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